Child Migration

A Dependent Child is defined as:

  • A child who is less than 18 years old, or
  • A person aged more than 18 and less than 25, and who is dependent on the parent, or who is incapacitated for work because of a physical or mental disability.
  • A Natural child, adopted child, or stepchild of a sponsor (sponsor must be an Australian Citizen or permanent resident) can apply for a permanent residency visa.
  • Adoption

The child must:

  • Have been adopted under the laws of a country other than Australia, and the adoptive parent must have been living outside Australia for more than 12 months at the time of the application, or
  • Have been adopted under the Adoption Convention – meaning that an Australian State or Territory adoption authority supports the adoption (verified in writing), or
  • Be intending to come to Australia for the adoption to be completed. In this circumstance the parent must have been approved by the relevant State or Territory welfare authority as a suitable person to adopt the child, or
  • Have been allocated to a parent for adoption under the provisions of the Adoption Convention, or a bilateral adoption agreement between Australia and a prescribed country.

A child who has been adopted by Australian sponsors and who is already in Australia should apply for a permanent residency visa via the Dependent Child Visa.